Matsutake Festival

Go on Matsutake-harvesting excursions (Matsutake mushrooms are native to Ura valley in Bumthang and the best quality mushrooms are exported to Japan where they are in high demand) and enjoy the local atmosphere when the festival for Bhutan’s fabled mushroom is on. Learn to make delicious Matsutake dishes and also indulge in mineral baths. Enjoy the hospitality of the locals and traditional Bhutanese life in its purest form. This festival is scheduled for the 4th weekend of August.

Haa Summer Festival

Haa, the mythic valley of the guardian spirit, Aap Chhundu, is the apt place to lose your self in the natural beauty of nature and experience the local culture, cuisine and people. Don’t forget to taste the hearty Haapi Hoentoe, the buckwheat dumplings filled with grated turnip, mushrooms and other ingredients. Hitch a yak ride or listen to the Haapi Ausa, the song and dance that extols the virtue of the Haapa’s yaks. You can also see the White Poppy (Meconopsis superba) endemic to Haa alone. Haa is two hours’ drive from Paro. The Haa Summer Festival is held every 1st weekend of July.

Black-necked Crane festival

The annual Black-necked Crane festival is celebrated in the courtyard of Gangtey Gonpa in Phobjikha valley. The festival heralds the arrival of the rare and endangered crane species during winter and the relationship it shares with the local communities. The festival includes folk songs and mask dances performed by the local people, and crane dances and environmental conservation-themed dramas and songs by school children.

Druk Wangyel Festival in Dochula

The Dochula Druk Wangyel Festival was initiated in 2011 to commemorate His Majesty the Fourth Druk Gyalpo and the Armed Forces’ victory over Indian insurgents residing in southern Bhutan in 2003. The festival takes place at Dochula Pass, 22 km from the Capital. The Druk Wangyal Lhakhang was built over a period of four years (2004-2008) under the patronage of Her Majesty the Queen Mother Ashi Dorji Wangmo.

Takin Festival

Held in Gasa Dzongkhag within Jigme Dorji National Park, the second largest national preserve in the country, the festival offers you ample opportunity to take an up-and- close look at the national animal, the Takin (Budorcas taxicolor). You will also get to experience hot spring baths and taste delicious local cuisine while exploring indigenous handicrafts. Also observe skilled nomadic herders at work while weaving tents, blankets, rugs and bags from raw materials culled by shearing yaks.

Nomad Festival

Experience the richness and variety of nomadic culture in the spiritual heartland of the country – Bumthang. Try on the Brokpa attire, hitch yourself on a yak-ride or try the various culinary delights of the highlanders. Visit holy shrines and witness ancient nomadic techniques like the grinding of maize using millstones and tilling of land with ploughs.